
The Source - Great Content

I read somewhere that we process more than 90% of our information through our eyes.
I also read that the most succesful piece of content on Facebook for brands are pictures.
I also know, from personal experience that about 70% of what I share online with my friends are pictures, the remaining would be videos.

Now I'm going to ask you a question, think about the content you see from the brands you follow on Facebook, what type of content do you actually care about?

I read somewhere that all people want from brands online are discounts but I don't buy that. Just think about it, I would say close to  80% of the brands I follow are based in America and they almost always have some type of location restriction on their contests and sweepstakes. That puts me on the "not qualified" list immedeately. So why do I keep following them? For great content of course.

Great content is unique.
Great content has a "wow"-effect.

Great content adds a smile to my face.
Great content makes me want to share.
Great content inspires me.

You want more fans, more followers, more channel views and subscribers on Youtube? Produce great content and the rest will come.

Look at companies that produce great content and you will see the number of fans resonates pretty accurately.

This also brings me to Pinterest which I love - For the great content I find there. For the visual experience, for the low maintenance.
For the focus on great content instead of the real-time urgency you have on Twitter.


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How Much HD Do I Need?

Yesterday while strolling around the streets of Barcelona, I stopped by one of those stores selling TVs, stereo equipment and cameras to check out the GoPro cameras.
Lately I've been watching too many crazy extreme sports videos, that in addition to starting the bike season with a couple of great excursions made me think I really should have one of those cameras that goes on top of your helmet.

Turns out the "new" version has not arrived yet to this store but either way I figure I'll investigate a bit about the differences of the "old" version (by old I mean like 6 months since it was released, no joke these guys put out new products faster than I change my socks).

The girl who helps me tells me that the new version shoots in HD. I'm confused, "Doesn't the old version also handle HD?" I ask thinking that if what I have seen the last months from GoPro is NOT HD then what the heck was it!?
"Yes it is, but this new one is even more HD". Yes, these are her exact words.
I'm even more confused. More HD? How much HD do I need? I'm fine with normal HD. I'm not going to show off my biking in a movie theatre any time soon.
"Oh, and it records in one stream instead of several smaller streams" the girl continues. I'm officially 100% off the track now.
I leave the store more confused than ever, wondering how many HD levels there are.
My conclusion is, if I don't know what the difference is in between HD and "more HD" and what it means to film in one stream then I probably don't need the new version.

I leave you this Sunday evening with a great video. As you can see, GoPro has a nice presence :-)
Happy Monday folks!

Experience Freedom from Betty Wants In on Vimeo.


8 Keys For A Successful Social Media Strategy

People talk a lot about social media strategy these days.
It's not enough anymore to just have a community manager answering posts, uploading photos and tweeting. We need a plan, we need stability, we need a roadmap of where we want to end up.


The most common type of social media engagement is the external one. Facebook fans, Twitter followers and Blog posts all in its honor, but to build a house you need a steady base to build on.
Investing in social media should be a long term project and internal support is imperative.
Make sure your company understands social media before diving into it. Further more, make sure you have a commitment from people to treat social media as a priority.


This point is very related to my first point.
While finding out what support you have in your company, don't forget to see what internal resources you have.
Do you have access to a programmer who can help you make changes to your company blog? Do you have a designer that can once in a while help you out with transforming a photo in Photoshop and make it 10 times more sharable? Do you have people working in customer service that can help  out with your Twitter support? Is there any writer savvy team members who would love to contribute to the blog?
Make a list of what resources you have in-house to later see what you need to go and find elsewhere.

Goals and objectives

I may be repetitive but the goals are a fundamental part of your strategy.
Is Twitter really right for your company? Does it make more sense to be on Pinterest?
What are you trying to achieve? Brand awareness, increase sales, loyalty campaigns, cost savings the list can be as long as you decide it to be.
I have been at companies where the main goal was brand awareness. Then a great content strategy, continuous engagement and contests online were important parts.
I have also been at companies who's sole objective was to increase sales. Then exclusive social media offers, a steady blog post with various integrated sales pitches and actively reaching out to potential customers were all parts of our day to day actions.
Goals are also necessary to establish KPI's. How are you going to measure your efforts? What is social media success to your company?

Learn from others

Social media is not new any more. There are thousands of case studys out there, so take some time to check out your competitors, benchmark well and read, try, learn, adapt and try again.


Is your company a local store, a national enterprise or does it have an international presence?
Do you have representatives in other countries?
Do you have CUSTOMERS all over the world?
How many "hubs" do you have (places to drive traffic to).
Sit down and consolidate the already existing material out there. Do you have several Facebook pages and Twitter accounts that need to be merged? What's going to be your communication language? Do you have access to local content that can support a local Facebook page?
It's important to understand that one model does not fit every company and think long and hard about what online presence you should have in different locations.
If you have a worldwide audience you may need to do some research on what the most popular networks and platforms are at your other locations. Although Facebook and Twitter are big platforms in most countries there are many niche communities in different countries that could be much better for your business.


The core of social media is communications. It's about a two-way communication with your customer, making that fan into a brand evangelist. But it all starts with a connection and some type of communication.
Social media can belong to your marketing department if you want but whether you want it or not, the communications department will (and should!) be involved. Now, when forming your social media strategy, make sure you find out how the flow of communication works in your company.
Social media should make communications easier, not harder. Yet many companies struggle with finding a smooth flow of communications in between departments. Social media is fast. If you take 1 hour longer to answer your customer than your competitor does, you may loose that customer. This means you can't go through 3 people to get an answer when a customer is calling. You need to have access to the express line to the responsible person who can help you get an answer.
Your responsible person should be a centric role in your company, not isolated into one department. He or she should have direct access to the heads of each department.


Social media is also about creating relationships. Once you start working in a company with social media you should make a digital rollerdex and take note on important Twitter followers, interesting blogs and contact information. Fill up your excel sheet or google docs spread sheet as you go, file important tags so that you later can go and export a list of contacts from a certain segment when you need to get your brand new infographic, viral video project or press release out to the digital world.

Content strategy

If you are an IT company selling printers, maybe photos may not be the sexiest type of content. However, videos may be a perfect match considering the opportunity to make tutorials and create helful and meaningful content.
If you are a bakery making cupcakes, photos may be the ideal type of content and platforms such as Instagram may be great places to showcase your beautiful cupcakes, while LinkedIn may not fulfill that many objectives.
Think long about this point. Don't waste resources, time and money pushing out all types of content to all platforms just for the sake of it. Pinpoint where your customer is and what he/she appreciates.  How can you help your customer? How can you entertain him? How can you impress her?


What made me buy the ticket?

Tuesday reflections.

I fell for it. Advertising!
I am a living proof it works. But it was Youtube that made me buy the ticket, or was it?

Walking on the street a week ago I was suddenly faced with a big display ad on the side walk and Denzel Washington's eyes were staring at me. "Safe House. Premiere this Friday".
I'm a big fan of Denzel, especially "Bad Denzel", Training day Denzel makes me wonder why I ever left Los Angeles.
Entering Youtube 3 hours later the trailer literally throws itself at me and I press the repeat button 16 times. I also share it to everyone I know, posting it to all my social channels, sharing my passion for Denzel and his work. I even liked and rated the movie at IMDB before I saw it (!)

I keep saying it was Youtube that made me buy that movie ticket but the fact remains that I saw it first through a poster on the street. Also I have to admit I had no idea about this movie before I saw the ad.
If I wouldn't have been such a great Denzel fan or if I wouldnt spend so much time on Youtube I may not have seen the trailer. Would I have bought the ticket?